II International Congress | IKG

  • Music and Culture
  • Music and Education
  • Music and Health
  • Music and Instrumentality
  • Music and Perception
  • Music and Performance / Theatre
  • Music and Society
  • Music and Space
  • Music and Visuality
  • Music as Sound Art
Technologies and their implementations are changing who we are and the society we live in at a blinding pace. How can we make sense out of these changes? How can we forge new (conceptual) tools to guide our future?

About the Congress

With the social use of technology, interconnectivity and instantaneity, we face the challenge of providing musicians with the necessary concepts and mind-sets to adapt the development of their professional skills to the current paradigm and to understand and creatively deal with the changes within their respective fields. Educational institutions have to search for new concepts of knowledge production and redefine their structures to become hybrid models of think tanks and shelters, laboratories and publishers, funders and archivists at the same time and under one roof. Interdisciplinarity is the keyword of the hour but what are the personal and social prerequisites for a successful integration of the parties involved in contemporary music teaching, practice and musical innovation including all its traditions, cultural backgrounds, instrumentalities and mentalities?

We believe that physical and social technologies where always and will always be a crucial source for knowledge production and inspiration for artists, scientists and engineers. However, with the drastic and unprecedented reconfigurations of societies and economic structures artistic practice and production of knowledge cannot but constantly ask:

Will these fascinating technologies inspire uniformity or diversity? 


  • To offer an overview of the link between music and artificial intelligence.
  • To innovate in the field of emerging pedagogies within the artistic field.
  • To present new innovative proposals in the field of musical pedagogy and artistic creation.
  • To learn in the environment of the new digital era from a transdisciplinary artistic perspective.
  • To present different lines of research linked to the fields of musical culture and society in the 21st century.

Aimed at

  • Students of the DART programme and higher artistic education institutions.
  • Doctoral students from UVa and other universities.
  • University students from the UVa and other universities.
  • Teachers from artistic disciplines
  • Other interested people.

Research Fields

  1. Innovation in music pedagogy
  2. Research and sound perception (reception and psychology of sound)
  3. Innovation in scenic – performative innovation

Structure & Methodology

The congress will include 2 research fields; each with the following structure: Plenary Conference and Expert Debate Table.

Plenary Conference

Plenary speakers, chosen from among the world’s leading thinkers, will offer formal presentations on topics of broad interest to the community and conference delegation. Plenary speakers answer questions and participate in informal, extended discussions during their Virtual Garden Conversation.

Expert Debate Table

For work that is best discussed or debated, rather than reported on through a formal presentation, these sessions provide a forum for an extended “roundtable” conversation among a small group of expertes.


Conference Program

15.30 - 16.00 Inauguration
16.00 - 17.00 Opening lecture: Dr. Adam Ockelford
17.30 - 18.30 Innovation in music pedagogy I: Graham Welch & Adam Ockelford
18.30 - 19.00 Coffe break
19.00 - 21.00 Simultaneous communications
TIME Friday, may 16, Morning Session: RESEARCH AND SOUND PERCEPTION
10:00 - 11:00 Plenary Conference II: Trond Lossius
11:00 - 11:30 Coffe break
11:30 - 13:00 Debate Table II: Trond Lossius & Carl Svensson
13:00 - 14:00 Simultaneous communications
14:00 - 16:00 Break
TIME Friday, may 16, Morning Session: RESEARCH AND SOUND PERCEPTION
16:00 - 17:00 Plenary Conference III: Deniz Peters
17:00 - 18:00 AI in music: César Poyatos
18:00 - 19:30 Debate Table III: Deniz Peters & Simon Rose
19:30 - 20:30 Performance Deniz Peters (piano) & Simon Rose (Saxofon)
20:30 - 21:00 Closing of the congress
21:00 Corporate dinner


Colectivo Fecha límite Tarifa
Organising and Scientific Committee - 0€
Dart students and scholarships - 50€
Assistant without communication - 50€
UVa students 15/04/2025 80€
UVa students After 15/04/2025 120€
General 15/04/2025 100€
General After 15/04/2025 140€

Congress Papers

We invite academics, researchers, professors and students to submit their paper proposals to the Congress.

Papers must be original and unpublished and must address the research fields of the Congress:

  1. Innovation in music pedagogy.
  2. Research and sound perception (reception and psychology of sound).
  3. Scenic-performative innovation

A maximum of three papers may be presented as authors. The first author will be the corresponding author in charge of communicating the status of the presentation to the other co-authors. All authors of a paper must be registered at the Congress for it to be accepted.
Authors must place their work in one or more of the above-mentioned priority areas or propose others.

They must follow the following rules:

Papers will have a length, in their main body, of 500 words (excluding title, authors, abstracts and bibliographical references), and will be accompanied by abstracts (between 100 and 150 words) and keywords (between three and five) in Spanish and English.
Papers should be prepared using the templates available in the communications section of the following website https://ikg.institute/.

Authors can modify the titles of the sections to suit their work, but always respecting the style of the template. Papers must follow the APA 7th edition style for bibliographical references, both in the body of the abstract and in the final list.

Abstracts will be subject to blind evaluation, and will be sent to the Congress organisers only via the following e-mail address: papers@ikg.institute.

Once the abstract has been accepted, an e-mail will be sent from the address with the requirements to be met by the presenters.

The deadline for submission of abstracts will be Tuesday 22 April 2025.

Impact and dissemination:

The Congress can represent an important exchange and contribution of knowledge on the ways of approaching musical innovation in the new conditions of globalisation and cultural industries in the digital era, thus collaborating in the adaptation of public policies in communication and its culture.
The Congress is seen as an opportunity to strengthen collaboration between researchers from different universities, educational and research centres working on similar topics, who will benefit from the exchange and the possibility of creating new networks and research teams.
Once the Congress is over, the results will be collected in a digital Book of Abstracts with ISBN in Congress Proceedings format. The Scientific Committee will select a limited number of communications that will be transformed into a book chapter by their authors and will be published in a Monographic Book by the Tirant publishing house (Spanish publisher No. 1 in prestige, SPI).


Trond Lossius
Deniz Peters
Graham Welch
Xoán-Xil López
Simon Rose
Pedro Pablo Cámara Toldos
Carl Svensson

About the Congress

With the social use of technology, interconnectivity and instantaneity, we face the challenge of providing musicians with the necessary concepts and mind-sets to adapt the development of their professional skills to the current paradigm and to understand and creatively deal with the changes within their respective fields. Educational institutions have to search for new concepts of knowledge production and redefine their structures to become hybrid models of think tanks and shelters, laboratories and publishers, funders and archivists at the same time and under one roof. Interdisciplinarity is the keyword of the hour but what are the personal and social prerequisites for a successful integration of the parties involved in contemporary music teaching, practice and musical innovation including all its traditions, cultural backgrounds, instrumentalities and mentalities?

We believe that physical and social technologies where always and will always be a crucial source for knowledge production and inspiration for artists, scientists and engineers. However, with the drastic and unprecedented reconfigurations of societies and economic structures artistic practice and production of knowledge cannot but constantly ask:

Will these fascinating technologies inspire uniformity or diversity? 


  • To offer an overview of the link between music and artificial intelligence.
  • To innovate in the field of emerging pedagogies within the artistic field.
  • To present new innovative proposals in the field of musical pedagogy and artistic creation.
  • To learn in the environment of the new digital era from a transdisciplinary artistic perspective.
  • To present different lines of research linked to the fields of musical culture and society in the 21st century.

Aimed at

  • Students of the DART programme and higher artistic education institutions.
  • Doctoral students from UVa and other universities.
  • University students from the UVa and other universities.
  • Teachers from artistic disciplines
  • Other interested people.

Research Fields

  1. Innovation in music pedagogy
  2. Research and sound perception (reception and psychology of sound)
  3. Innovation in scenic – performative innovation

Structure & Methodology

The congress will include 2 research fields; each with the following structure: Plenary Conference and Expert Debate Table.

Plenary Conference

Plenary speakers, chosen from among the world’s leading thinkers, will offer formal presentations on topics of broad interest to the community and conference delegation. Plenary speakers answer questions and participate in informal, extended discussions during their Virtual Garden Conversation.

Expert Debate Table

For work that is best discussed or debated, rather than reported on through a formal presentation, these sessions provide a forum for an extended “roundtable” conversation among a small group of expertes.


Conference Program

Afternoon Sessions:

  • 15:30 – 16:00 Inauguration
  • 16:00 – 17:00 Opening lecture: Dr. Adam Ockelford
  • 17:30 – 18:30 Innovation in music pedagogy I: Graham Welch & Adam Ockelford
  • 18:30 – 19:00 Coffe break
  • 19:00 – 21:00 Simultaneous communications

Morning Session:


  • 10:00 – 11:00 Plenary Lecture II: Trond Lossius
  • 11:00 – 11:30 Coffe break
  • 11:30 – 13:00 Debate Table II: Trond Lossius & Carl Svensson
  • 13:00 – 14:00 Simultaneous communications
  • 14:00 – 16:00 Break

Afternoon Session:


  • 16:00 – 17:00 Plenary Lecture III: Deniz Peters
  • 17:00 – 18:00 IA in music: César Poyatos
  • 18:00 – 19:30 Panel Discussion III: Deniz Peters and Simon Rose
  • 19:30 – 21:00 Performance Deniz Peters (piano) and Simon Rose (saxophone)
  • 20:30 – 21:00 Closing of the congress
  • 21:00 Corporate dinner

Congress Papers

We invite academics, researchers, professors and students to submit their paper proposals to the Congress.

Papers must be original and unpublished and must address the research fields of the Congress:

  1. Innovation in music pedagogy.
  2. Research and sound perception (reception and psychology of sound).
  3. Scenic-performative innovation

A maximum of three papers may be presented as authors. The first author will be the corresponding author in charge of communicating the status of the presentation to the other co-authors. All authors of a paper must be registered at the Congress for it to be accepted.
Authors must place their work in one or more of the above-mentioned priority areas or propose others.

They must follow the following rules:

Papers will have a length, in their main body, of 500 words (excluding title, authors, abstracts and bibliographical references), and will be accompanied by abstracts (between 100 and 150 words) and keywords (between three and five) in Spanish and English.
Papers should be prepared using the templates available in the communications section of the following website https://ikg.institute/.

Authors can modify the titles of the sections to suit their work, but always respecting the style of the template. Papers must follow the APA 7th edition style for bibliographical references, both in the body of the abstract and in the final list.

Abstracts will be subject to blind evaluation, and will be sent to the Congress organisers only via the following e-mail address: papers@ikg.institute.

Once the abstract has been accepted, an e-mail will be sent from the address with the requirements to be met by the presenters.

The deadline for submission of abstracts will be Tuesday 22 April 2025.

Impact and dissemination:

The Congress can represent an important exchange and contribution of knowledge on the ways of approaching musical innovation in the new conditions of globalisation and cultural industries in the digital era, thus collaborating in the adaptation of public policies in communication and its culture.
The Congress is seen as an opportunity to strengthen collaboration between researchers from different universities, educational and research centres working on similar topics, who will benefit from the exchange and the possibility of creating new networks and research teams.
Once the Congress is over, the results will be collected in a digital Book of Abstracts with ISBN in Congress Proceedings format. The Scientific Committee will select a limited number of communications that will be transformed into a book chapter by their authors and will be published in a Monographic Book by the Tirant publishing house (Spanish publisher No. 1 in prestige, SPI).


Trond Lossius
Deniz Peters
Graham Welch
Xoán-Xil López
Simon Rose
Pedro Pablo Cámara Toldos
Carl Svensson