DART Program | IKG
DART is an education and mentorship program for the 21st century artistic researchers who aim to develop their doctoral thesis in or related to music.

A unique programme in Spain that offers specific training and follow-up in the field of artistic research in music for the development of doctoral theses. Aimed at students who will be doing their doctoral studies in different programmes of the Doctoral School of the University of Valladolid EsDUVa.

With a clear inspirational mission, the DART offers its students personalised support to develop their skills in the most current fields of artistic research while exploring new paths of knowledge within a structured and rigorous programme, but with creativity as the common ground.

DART is based at the IKG headquarters in Real Sitio de San Ildefonso, Segovia.  Its modern facilities are adapted to create an ideal space for reflection, training and multidisciplinary practice in an inspiring, creative and innovative environment. It also has its own theatre, equipped to host multidisciplinary artistic research projects, symposia and conferences.

The programme, of a transversal and multidisciplinary nature, operates under the IKG’s research fields for a period of 3 years.


Transversal sessions agreed with the EsDUVa

Every year, the programme includes between 8 and 9 transversal training sessions, aimed at the specific training of students to acquire the theoretical and practical tools necessary for artistic research and its application within the empirical framework that is based on the design and preparation of their doctoral thesis project. This is a training programme which, by its nature and in accordance with the objective of the programme, has a clear mission to inspire, reveal and innovate in order to promote the understanding of research and critical capacity of the student.

When: Monthly meetings on Friday afternoons from 16:00 to 20:00, Saturdays from 10:00 to 14:00 and 16:00 to 20:00 and Sundays from 10:00 to 14:00.

Where: At the Katarina Gurska Institute for Artistic Research with the Teatro Canónigos del Real Sitio de San Ildefonso.

Who: Teachers, Speakers and Professionals specialized in different areas of artistic research and applied music research.

Academic and Artistic Advisors/Mentors

Each student admitted to the programme receives personalised advice from the moment of registration until the completion of their artistic research project. The student can select from a list of advisors and mentors the most suitable specialist to give viability to his or her project and to be able to carry it out.

When: Throughout the program and based on the specific needs of the student.

Where: At the Katarina Gurska Institute for Artistic Research and in on-site or virtual format on demand.

Who: Assigned advisors and mentors upon request and consensus with the student. Invited researchers from the transversal sessions. National and international experts related to the object of study of each student.

Research Laboratory

DART students will have an annual research laboratory where they will acquire the skills that enable them to carry out practical and theoretical research, by designing, developing and implementing a preset idea within a scientific-artistic research context.

When: During weekend meetings, Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday within the established calendar. Before the meetings, students will work on the materials provided by the laboratory director. The presentation of results will later be disseminated on IKG platforms.

Where: At the Katarina Gurska Institute for Artistic Research

Who: By internationally renowned researchers with experience in the field of artistic research and innovation.

Admission and Registration

Students admitted to the DART programme may submit an application for admission to one of the 29 doctoral programmes of the University of Valladolid:



The program has an initial duration of 3 years and its total cost is 11,000€ payable in three installments at the beginning of each academic year:

  • Year 1: 5,000€
  • Year 2: 3,000€
  • Year 3: 3,000€*

* Additional year option available. Consult dart@ikg.institute.

The amount includes the active participation of the student in all the training activities of the Transversal Sessions, the Research Laboratory, International Congress and the Academic-Artistic Mentorship included in the programme for a period of 3 years. Students may request an extension of the registration fee for a cost to be determined according to the student’s training needs. Tuition fees do not included  registration at EsDUVa.

For more information, write to: dart@ikg.institute


Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Transversal Sessions Transversal Sessions Transversal Sessions
Artistic and Academic mentorship Artistic and Academic mentorship Artistic and Academic mentorship
Research Laboratory Research Laboratory Research Laboratory
International Congress International Congress

Video Presentation

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Dart Sessions 2024-2025

October 18 Ruth Pinedo Research design and methodology
October 19-20 Luis Antonio González Marín, Inés Mª Monreal Guerrero y Paulino Capdepón From Archive to Concert. Processes and problems in the recovery of historical musical heritage; Competence Learning and Visible Thinking Laboratory; & Music research projects
November 15-16-17 Jessica Kaiser Performing arts laboratory
December 13 José Ignacio Palacios Latest trends in music research
December 14-15 Pamela Burnard Methodology of Artistic research in education
January 17 Jesús Tejada Workshop on the elaboration of scientific articles
January 18-19 IKG Advisory Board Monitoring of doctoral theses: David Carabias, Paulino Capdepón, Antonio Narejos, Inés Monreal y Charo Castañón
February 14 Paulo de Assis Preparatory workshop for a performative art laboratory
February 15-16 José Ignacio Palacios, José Luis Parejo & Ruth Pinedo Advising on the preparation of musicological theses; Theoretical framework of the doctoral thesis and scientific writing workshop & Advising on methodology in the field of music education
March 21 Andrés Palacios Quantitative methodology: quantitative analysis in music research
March 22-23 Gerriet K. Sharma Artistic research and technology: research methods
April 25-26-27 Alexander Vert Creative arts laboratory
May 16-17-18 Sef Hermans Artistic laboratory
June 13-14-15 Paulo de Assis Performance art laboratory


Direction and Management

  • Inés María Monreal Guerrero, Ph.D, Academic Director of Dart Program
  • Sara Herrero Gozalo, Programs Coordination

Academic Committee

  • Paulino Capdepón Verdú, Ph.D, President
  • Antonio Narejos Bernabéu, Ph.D
  • David Carabias Galindo, Ph.D
  • Inés María Monreal Guerrero, Ph.D