Dr. phil, MA Deniz Peters
Deniz Peters (Dr. phil, MA) is Professor for Artistic Research in Music, Head of the Doctoral School for Artistic Research at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, and President of the Society for Artistic Research SAR. His artistic research on interpersonal empathy combines phenomenological, conceptual, and interaction analyses with an experimental piano practice, improvising with musicians and dancers including Simon Rose, Stevie Wishart, Ellen Waterman, Chris Williams, Bennett Hogg, Stefan Östersjö, Magdalena Chowaniec, and Alexander Deutinger. He is also re-thinking musical expression in a philosophical-analytical research project; a third area of activity is directed towards a fuller understanding of the methods, documentation, typology and epistemology of artistic research through music. Peters has appeared as speaker and performer at conferences in musicology, philosophy, and artistic research in Europe, Australia, and the USA; he has written on musical empathy, gesture, bodily listening, instrumentality, and rhythm. Publications include a collected edition Bodily Expression in Electronic Music (Routledge, 2012); articles in Performance Research, Contemporary Music Review and Empirical Musicology Review; chapters in collections with Lexington, Springer, and Oxford University Press; and a CD of findings (Leo Records, 2017).