Francisco Javier Zarza
He holds a degree in piano from the Centro Superior de Música del País Vasco. He also holds a postgraduate degree in piano training from the Liszt Academy in Budapest under the academic tutelage of Gábor Csalog. As a pianist he has given recitals all over Europe (Hungary, Finland, United Kingdom, Germany, Czech Republic, France and Italy, among others). D. in Education from the University of Zaragoza and Full Professor of University since 2022, he has participated as a speaker in more than 50 international conferences, carried out research stays abroad in prestigious centres (United Kingdom, Australia) and published in high impact journals related to education and musical performance in musicians in higher education (Psychology of Music, Frontiers in Psuchology, International Journal of Music Education, among others. In July 2023 he was appointed editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Music Education.