PhD Elena Ungeheuer

PhD Elena Ungeheuer
Elena Ungeheuer understands the humanities as a mediator between academic disciplines, arts, technologies and cultural practices. Her media-critical theory of action is anthropologically grounded and specialised in research questions around aesthetics, epistemology and the Now. After completing her doctorate at the University of Bonn (dissertation "Dissertation Wie die elektronische Musik ‚erfunden‘ wurde ... Quellenstudie zu Werner Meyer-Epplers
Entwurf zwischen 1949 und 1953", Mainz: Schott 1992), she taught at the Robert Schumann Conservatory Düsseldorf, the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Cologne and the Technical University of Berlin, among others. She is now Professor of Contemporary Music at the University of Würzburg/Germany).