PhD Anna Vernia
Lecturer at the Universitat Jaume I. PhD from the University of Barcelona. Postgraduate Diploma in International Cultural Relations. International Master’s Degree in Communication and Education and Master’s Degree in New Communication and Information Technologies applied to Music Education. Bachelor in Dalcroze. Grant awarded by the Academia de la Lengua Valencia in a project for the transcription of popular repertoire. Coordinator of the EMA project (Music Education for Adults) supported by the Department of Education of the Generalitat Valenciana. Coordinator of the “Music for Life” project. Prize for research into Alzheimer’s disease awarded by the Jaume I University and the Azahar del Mediterráneo Residence. President of the SEM-EE (Spanish Society for Musical Education). Director of the ARTSEDUCA Magazine. She is a founding member of the Advisory Council of the ISME (International Society for Music Education).