PhD Inés Monreal Guerrero

PhD Inés Monreal Guerrero
Academic Director of DART Program
PhD in Pedagogy from the University of Valladolid (2013) and lecturer at the University of Valladolid since 2008. She teaches undergraduate courses, different Master's degrees and postgraduate programs at UVa.
Researcher and lecturer on the PhD Programme in Transdisciplinary Research in Education at the Doctoral School of the University of Valladolid.
Lecturer at the IKG and at the Katarina Gurska Music Centre, giving masterclasses on musical research.
She has given more than 400 hours of in-service training to other teachers of all educational stages in collaboration with the Training and Educational Innovation Centres of Castilla y León, Madrid, Cantabria, Valencia, the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands.
Currently, she is developing her research work in the following thematic lines: Application of Active Methodologies and Thinking Strategies in early childhood, primary, secondary, university and artistic education stages, STEAM and formative and shared evaluation in education, evaluation and programming by competences; among others.
She collaborates with national and international universities and has carried out research stays at the University of Aveiro (Portugal) and the Autonomous University of Madrid.
She has participated in a ten competitive research projects, both national and international not as a principal researcher. She has also taken part as a researcher in several teaching innovation projects, as well as being an external researcher at the Centro de Investigación y Documentación Musical (a unit associated with the CSIC) and a member of the Centro de Investigación y Documentación Musical (an associated unit with the CSIC). Member of the Recognized Research Group on Education and ICT of the University of Valladolid.
She has taken part in 40 national and international conferences as a speaker in Chile, Portugal, England and Spain, in nine international conferences as a member of a panel of experts, and in five international conferences developing research workshops.
Since 2009 she is part of the team of authors of ANAYA publishing house at national level. She is co-author of all the student's books, teacher's books (teaching guides), programmes and inclusive materials for the secondary music area of the ANAYA publishing house, with a literary production of 80 books.
Her research profile in the non-university field came from holding the position of provincial training advisor in the field of artistic, plastic and physical education. She was a post in the Consejería de Educación where she directed 200 training activities of various kinds and conditions, including many non-university educational innovation projects.
She has been a member of the National Network of Formative and Shared Evaluation since 2010 and is a career civil servant in the Corps of Secondary Education Teachers, having obtained her position in 1998.
Scopus Author ID 57194619141
Código ORCID 0000-0002-7757-6871