PhD Bernd Herzogenrath
Bernd Herzogenrath is professor of American literature and culture at Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main, Germany. He is the author of An Art of Desire: Reading Paul Auster; An American Body|Politic: A Deleuzian Approach and editor of a.o. The Farthest Place: The Music of John Luther Adams and Deleuze|Guattari & Ecology. At the moment, he is planning a project, cinapses: thinking|film that brings together scholars from film studies, philosophy, and the neurosciences (members include António Damasio and Alva Noë). His latest publication include the collections The Films of Bill Morrison. Aesthetics of the Archive (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2017), Film as Philosophy (University of Minnesota Press, 2017), and Practical Aesthetics (Bloomsbury 2021). He is also (together with Patricia Pisters) the main editor of the media-philosophical book series thinking|media with Bloomsbury.